Tuesday, 7 December 2010
14:00 - 15:30

What Is the Next Generation Internet Forum?
Chair:  Prof. Yingfei Dong, University of Hawaii, USA

The Internet today has grown to an enormously large scale. Devices large and small are connected globally from anywhere on the earth.  With the rapid advancement of technology, we now have cheap and small devices like sensors and embedded processors with high computing power and large storage capacity.  These devices are designed to improve our daily life by monitoring our environment, collecting critical data, and executing special instructions. They have gradually become an essential and prominent part of our Internet.  Many such devices are mobile and connected via various wireless technologies. As a result, wireless connections are more prevalent than fixed-line in lots of edge networks. Many imaging, audio and video data are converted from analog to digital. Unprecedented amount of data are collected and made available via Internet. Security and privacy are still inadequately provided by today's Internet.  Therefore, the capability of core networks needs to be greatly enhanced. In this panel, our panelists will present their views of future Internet. What additional features and functions should be provided? What are the possible future Internet architectures?

Prof. David Du (IEEE Fellow)
Qwest Chair Professor, University of Minnesota, USA

David Du is currently the Qwest Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He has served as a Program Director (IPA) at National Science Foundation CISE/CNS Division from March 2006 to September 2008.  Dr. Du is the Director of a new established NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Storage. Dr. Du received a Ph.D. degree from University of Washington (Seattle) in 1981. He joined University of Minnesota as a faculty since 1981.

Dr. Du has a wide range of research expertise including multimedia computing, mass storage systems, high-speed networking, sensor networks, cyber security, high-performance file systems and I/O, database design, and CAD for VLSI circuits. He has authored and co-authored over 210 technical papers including 100 referred journal publications in these research areas.  He has graduated 50 Ph.D. and 80 M.S. students in the last 25 years. His research in multimedia computing and storage systems include video-on-demand server architecture, video and audio synchronization techniques, multimedia storage systems, intelligent storage devices and future storage systems.  His research in CAD includes physical layout, timing verification and delay fault testing for high-speed circuits.  His research in high-speed networking includes heterogeneous high-performance computing over high-speed networks, quality of service, parallel data archive for high-performance computing, optical networks and sensor networks.

Dr. Du is an IEEE Fellow (since 1998) and a Fellow of the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.  He is currently serving on the Editorial Boards of several international journals. He has also served as Conference Chair and Program Committee Chair for several major conferences in multimedia, networking, database and security areas. He has had research grants from many federal funding agencies including NSF, DARPA, ONR, and DOE. He has a strong tie with industrial research and has collaborated with a number of companies including IBM, Intel, Cisco, Symantec, Seagate, Sun Micro, Symantec, etc.


Dr. Chip Elliott (AAAS/IEEE Fellow)
Chief Engineer, BBN Technologies, USA
Project Director, NSF, USA

Chip Elliott is Project Director for GENI, the National Science Foundation's virtual laboratory for exploring future internets at scale. He is Chief Engineer at BBN Technologies and an AAAS and IEEE Fellow with over 85 patents issued and pending. Mr. Elliott has served on many national panels and has held visiting faculty positions at Dartmouth College, Tunghai University in Taiwan, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.


Dr. Albert Greenberg (ACM Fellow)
Principal Researcher, Microsoft, USA

Albert Greenberg is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft, where he works on data center networks, cloud service infrastructure, enterprise network management, and monitoring.  He joined Microsoft in 2007, after many years at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs Research, where he was an Executive Director and AT&T Fellow, and where he helped build the systems and tools for engineering and managing AT&T's networks.  Albert is an ACM Fellow.


Prof. Victor S. Frost    (IEEE Fellow, Member of European Academy of Science)
Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor, University of Kansas, USA
Program Director, NSF, USA

Dr. Victor S. Frost is currently a Program Director at the NSF, the Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and was previously the Director of the University of Kansas Telecommunications and Information Technology Center (ITTC). He is a Fellow of the IEEE and received a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation in 1984. His current research interest is in the areas of internet quality of service, traffic management, and integrated broadband communication networks. He has been involved in research on several national scale high speed wide area testbeds. Government agencies, including, NSF, DARPA, Rome Labs, and NASA have sponsored his research. Dr. Professor Frost has been involved in research for numerous corporations, including Harris, Sprint, NCR, BNR, Telesat Canada, AT&T, McDonnell Douglas, DEC, and COMDISCO Systems. He has published over 100 journal articles and conference papers. Dr. Frost received the BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Kansas, Lawrence in 1977, 1978, and 1982, respectively. In 1982 he joined the faculty of the University of Kansas.